Kids in Cowtown

As the song says, Go West! We are very excited/ thrilled/ giddy to be launching Kids in Cowtown with a fabulous Calgary mom! Danielle loved the great ideas and parenting community she saw here at Kids in the Capital and wanted to see the same resource in her own city. So working together, Kids in Cowtown was born!

Danielle has already started sharing some of the great ideas she has for kids and parents at Kids in Cowtown.  Just like at Kids in the Capital, Kids in Cowtown will be drawing on the great parent blogging community in Calgary.

We hope you will let any friends and family living in Calgary know about this awesome new blog. And don't forget to visit yourself or follow Kids in Cowtown on Facebook and Twitter!

Social Media Monday: Why blog?

by Brie If you told me two years ago I would one day come to define myself as blogger I would have laughed in your face. Politely of course. At the time  I was technologically challenged and nervous about having any digital footprint out in the wide world of the internet. Plus, why would I write about my life online? It would be totally self-indulgent. And besides, no one would read it.

How wrong I was. I fell into blogging and bit by bit I have been "coming out" as a blogger. Part of the reason is that my online world and the real world have come to intersect so much as friends in one world become friends in another.

Why blog? There are as many different reasons for blogging as there are types of bloggers. In Ottawa alone you will see bloggers that run the spectrum. People blog about what they love, whether it be food, photographycrafting, weight lose or geekdom.  Many of us blog about our lives.  

For a mom with young kids reading about the struggles and joys of other moms with young kids changed my life. During those first few winter months after I discovered blogging  it made me feel less alone even as I spent day in and day out with a baby and toddler. It was a blog  post that convinced me to have my kids share a room. It was blog posts that  comforted me that other moms lived lives as busy and crazy as mine.

No matter why you chose to start blogging, one of the main reasons we all continue is for the connections. The connections we build with our readers and the authors of blogs we read. For parents these connections are so valuable. We can learn from people who have already lived through our stage of life and we can share with each other the struggles and successes of our kids.

Do you blog? What do you love about it? Do you want to blog? Tell us what scares you most about starting and we will try to address that it a future post!

Brie is the mom of a 4-year-old daughter “the girl” and 2 old son “the boy”. You can read her blog at Capital Mom.

Kids in the Capital Blog Hop

Okay, we are trying this again. Sorry if you had tried to link through earlier this week. We had some problems with the link. But! We are trying this again.  There are some great bloggers in Ottawa. Blog Out Loud was a testiment to that. We have tech bloggers, food bloggers, photo bloggers, craft blogger and, our favorite, parenting bloggers!

A peek at the list of parenting bloggers that have contributed to Kids in the Capital since we started in April of this year will give you just a glimpse of some of the many, many Ottawa parenting bloggers. There are so many in fact, and we discover more all the time, that we thought it was time for us to all get together!

If you live in Ottawa and want to connect with other parent bloggers then welcome to our first Kids in the Capital Blog Hop! Make sure you add you name and blog link to the link up below. Then lock yourself in the bathroom (without the kids) and go discover some new blogs.  Don't forget to leave the blogger some comment love!

We can't wait to come and visit you all!

(Click on the Mister Linky to add your blog or see the list of contributed blogs)

Brie is the mom of a 3.5 year old daughter “the girl” and eighteen month old son “the boy”. You can read her blog at Capital Mom.

Lara is mom to 3.5 year old Kiernan and 11 month old twins Quinn and Juliette. You can read her blog at Gliding Through Motherhood.