ABC Challenge : week 8
/by Lara Congratulations to Stella who won my contest for participating in this week's challenge!!! I'll be in touch! Now, everybody keep up the good work! Be creative, set new stages, see what you can come up with. We're more than halfway through the challenge!! :)
We're having a weekday meetup, (which I know won't work for everyone but we'll have another one at the end on a weekend, I promise) on June 16 at Parliament Hill at 9:30am. If you want to join us we'd love to see you! There's a bit more discussion going on about it on flickr.
Photography tip
This is anything but rocket science, but I think sometimes we need a reminder.
Print your photos!
I realized at one point that I hadn't printed any new photos in something like 15 months! You're taking lovely photos, print them, put them on your walls, give them to the people you love!
This last week I made a point to print some of my latest favourites and put them up on the wall. I'm thrilled every time I look at them. SO much better than just having them in my computer.
Which leads to another question. Where do you have your photos printed? I generally either order mine through Kodak Gallery (where I've stored my photos for something like 7 years) or at Costco (who is having a 10 cents a print sale until June 6). I know some people use more professional places to print their photos. Do you find a big difference? Discuss!! :)
Also, I want to post about some great spots in Ottawa to take photos of (your) kids. Email me (lara.wellman(at)gmail(dot)com) if you have a great spot (and maybe include a photo) and I'll post them over the next couple of weeks as part of my photography tips.
My two picks for this week
(brought to you by our new playstructure ;)
Participants' photos
X is for Xcited by Bluebeanz Aww. She really does look Xcited ;)
Q is for Quiet by somekindofmom. I miss these sweet moments. My guys are a mile a minute lately.
Y is for yellow by lillypilly. I love this. Great punch of colour!
As always, it’s never to late too join the challenge. We hope you’ll play along!
Lara is the mom to 3.5 year old Kiernan and 1 year old twins Quinn and Juliette. You can find her at her blog Gliding Through Motherhood.