Social Media Monday : Podcasts — Kids in the Capital

Social Media Monday : Podcasts

by Lara I recently re-discovered my love of podcasts, something I haven't taken the time for since I stopped commuting on the bus in 2008. But a few local folks that I know personally have been producing podcasts so I started listening again, and I remembered just how great podcasts are!

A podcast, (according to Wikipedia) is a series of digital media files (either audiovideo) that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication.

Podcasts are fabulous for keeping you entertained when you're on the bus, in the car, exercising or cleaning.  Instead of just listening to the radio, you can listen to programs on pretty much any topic you can think of!

Podcasts are free and you can listen to to many online or download them onto your computers or MP3 players. I have an iPhone, so I subscribe to podcasts through iTunes, but you can also subscribe via RSS and download them to other players.

Here are some  great podcasts you may want to check out from my iPhone and a poll of other friends on Facebook and Twitter.

CBC:has some great podcasts that range in topics from comedy to music to discussions of culture and entertainment.  Some that have been highly recommended are Q, DNTO, Vinyl Cafe, and the Age of Persuasion.

Health: Cut the Fat , the Reasonable Diet's Six Minutes of Sanity and Fat to Fit.

Local: Erin Blaskiehas some nice short podcasts on different business issues and the  Contrariansare three local  bloggers talking about social media topics.

Marketing and Social Media: Six Degrees of Separation and For Immediate Release.

NPR (National Public Radio): Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me and This American Life.

Video podcasts:I don't watch video podcasts because I'm generally doing something else when I'm listening but I like to keep some on my phone for the kids when they need to be distracted. There are a lot of fun ones! My kids love They Might Be Giants and you can also find Sesame Street among a many many other choices.

This list is just the tip of the iceberg.  Do you listen to podcasts and if so what do you listen to? Do you have any podcats about parenting or activities to do with kids to recommend?

Kids in the Capital is conducting a survey this week to learn more about our readers and better understand what kind of information you'd like to see here.  Please take 5 minutes to answer, and you'll be entered into a draw for a free photo from Sara McConnell Photography at the Red, White and Love event on February 12. Click here to take survey

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